


Interaction Design, Team Lead


August 2021 - March 2021

Project Vision

SCG ID serves as a single id required for every SCG customer to provide a seamless experience in all channels. The core pillar of the service includes policy, touchpoints adoption, touchpoint integration, and campaign communication.


1) Understanding of complex infrastructure of a single id

2) Aligning different business requirements from different touchpoints

3) Designing fall-out scenarios to complete UX goals


Task Analysis

Interaction Design

User Interface Design

01 Task Analysis

We begin with understanding the user's tasks in engaging and using SCG ID and how the service of SCG ID connected with the flow.

Sign Up

When the user signs up in all SCG channels, SCG ID will be checked and navigated to the sign-up page. Users can choose to navigate to the shopping page without signing up, but SCG ID will be rechecked when navigating to the order page.

Sign In

When the user signs in SCG ID will be checked and navigate the user to other pages; if the user doesn't have SCG ID user will be forwarded to sign up flow.

02 Interaction Design

SCG ID Main SA Flowchart

drag image to scroll

SCG ID Touchpoint Integration SA Flowchart

drag image to scroll

SCG ID Web Generic

Interaction screen flow of SCG ID web generic including sign in, sign up, and manage profile.

SCG ID Back Office

Interaction screen flow of SCG ID back-office, including add/manage admins, add/manage branch, and customer audit.

SCG ID Touchpoint Integration

Interaction screen flow of SCG ID Touchpoint integration with SCG Home and Qchang platform covering integration flow and fall out cases.

SCG ID Website

SCG ID website sitemap

We created a site map for SCG ID main website to discuss with business, came up with design proposals, and finalized into the website in the link below.

03 User Interface Design

Components Design System

SCG ID design system

We created a components design system of SCG ID user interface. Our main objective is to focus on adaptability to different touchpoints while not overwhelming their brand identity or website styles.

Integration Button Design Guidelines

SCG ID integration button guidelines

We design a login button of SCG ID where this button will keep SCG ID guidelines and act as SCG ID authenticator for our partner's website.

SCG ID signs up and signs in, where customers can activate SCG ID through social media channels or sign up with the customer's information.

SCG ID sign-up form allows users to fill and see their information, OTP verification, and give consent for their information conveniently on a page.